Indicators of graduation integration

The Master's Program in Engineering of Dams and Environmental Management (PEBGA) is directly linked to the undergraduate courses, mainly those offered at the University Campus of Tucuruí, which are: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Sanitary Engineering and Environmental. Among the indicators of integration with the undergraduate program, we can mention: the participation of permanent professors of the program in undergraduate courses at the Tucuruí University Campus (CAMTUC), of the professors of the Program, a good part of undergraduate education, being responsible for at least one subject; Absorption of the graduates of the engineering courses offered in CAMTUC by the Program (in the first group, of the 18 vacancies offered, 5 were filled with graduates of the Civil Engineering course of the Tucuruí campus); participation of undergraduate students in PEBGA research projects.


Title of the activity: Advanced studies on priority structures and materials for the infrastructure necessary for the sustainable development of the Amazon - applications in buildings, hydroelectric power plant structures and transmission lines.

Theme: Dam Safety

Partnerships: Structures and Materials Group of the Master course in Civil Engineering of UFPA, consolidated groups of PUC-Rio, UFRGS and UNB.

Objective: To carry out advanced studies on the behavior of regional structures and materials with a view to favoring the use of the knowledge generated in solving the current and future problems of infrastructure necessary for the sustainable development of the Amazon.

Project or Group bound:

(X) Research ( ) Extension ( ) Development ( ) Other